Currently, I am a senior staff member in the International Relations Office of the National University of Battambang (NUBB), where I earned my bachelor degree in Information of Technology. I have been employed at NUBB since 2011 when I was in a second year student. I received a Grand Award from The ASEAN undergraduate Conference in Computing (AUC2) in 2015, hosted in Thailand. I have also participated in several research projects and staff exchange programs with a Partner University in Indonesia as well as both national and international conferences both in Cambodia and overseas. In 2017, I received a ten month scholarships under the ERASMUS program, funded by the EU to pursue my Master degree in Management at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. In June 2019, I attended a two weeks Advanced Training Course (ATC) on the development e-learning materials at Ghent University, Belgium. Beside this, I had plenty of experience in communication, events organizing and information dissemination.
What I have today is because of the National University of Battambang.