



Master of Business Administration in Digital Business Management [MBA-MDBM]

2 years


Master of Business Administration in Management and Entrepreneurship and Innovation [MBA-MEI]

2 years


Master of Public Administration [MPA]

2 years


Master of Public Administration in Governance and Public Policies [GPP]

2 years


Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages [TESOL]

2 years


Master of Arts in Educational Management [MES]

2 years


Master of Sustainable Agriculture [MSA]

2 years


Master of Food Processing and Innovation [MFPI]

2 years


Master of Sustainable Ecosystem Management [SEM]

2 years


Graduate School
Department of Master’s Degree
Master of Business Administration in Digital Business Management

1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Master of Business Administration in Digital Management equips the students with theories and practices in business administration, financial management, human resource management, leadership in business organisations to diversify business operations in response to policy development for digital economy that can transform Cambodia to be a middle-upper income society by 2030.


2. Porgram Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

After completing Master’s Degree in Business Administration in Digital Management, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge
– PLO1: Master the concepts, principles, and theories applied in Business Administration at the national and international levels.
– PLO2: Analyse different types of business transactions, organisational management, marketplace, and market chains based on new research findings
– PLO3: Explain new concepts of business and entrepreneurship being implemented and their impact on knowledge development for individual career growth.
– PLO4: Identify new methods being implemented at regional and global business organisations and assess the effects on the changing business and entrepreneurship practices

B. Cognitive Skills
– PLO5: Articulate theoretical and practical knowledge applied to resolve challenges in business administration and business development
– PLO6: Critically and confidentially monitor and evaluate business opportunities and create business plan that fits the changing society.
– PLO7: Establish information management, monitoring and evaluation system including an intiative of business plan in response to the demand of new business environment.
– PLO8: Develop vision and expectation for future business and current competition for business innovation.

C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility
– PLO9: Initiative a solution with creativity to deal with complexity in the current situation of business management.
– PLO10: Take full responsibilities for indiviudal and organisational performance at local and international levels that can excell activities to prove effective teamwork and solve the underlying issues.
– PLO11: Lead the business organisations with ethics and responsibilities.
– PLO12: Provide an immediate and critical solution to deal with complexity in business and entrepreneurship with the capacity to evaluate problem correctly and effectively on the basis of principle and social values.

D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology, and Communication
– PLO13: Use technology widely to investigate the underlying issues and propose conclusion and recommendation for stakeholders.
– PLO14: Apply statistics and measuring tools for analysis of businesss research.
– PLO15: Communicate effectively with people in business organisations and communities through presentations and publications of the findings from diseration and/or research work.
– PLO16: Use foreign langauge and interpersonal skills for business communication.

3. Career Opportunities

  • -Middle and senior leaders in public and private institutionsEntrepreneurs (Business Start-Up)

    Consultants for national and international business

    Business advisors, planners, and managers

    CEO, senior specialists

    Professors and researchers in public and private organizations.

4. Program for Master’s Degree of Busienss Administration in Digital Business Management

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
GS.DBM/ OQM.S1-M11Operation and Quality Management345GS.DBM/ MO.S2-M12Management and Organization345
GS.DBM/ RM.S1-M11Research Methodology345GS.DBM/ MM.S2-M12Marketing Management345
GS.DBM/ SWC.S1-M11Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.DBM/ QBA.S2-M12Quantitative Business Analysis345
GS.DBM/ PME.S3-M11Project Management and Evaluation345GS.DBM/ BS.S1-M12Business Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
GS.DBM/ GE.S3-M21Green Entrepreneurship345GS.DBM/ FPM.S4-M22Financial Planning and Management345
GS.DBM/ MIS.S3-M21Management Information System345GS.DBM/ GBM.S4-M22Global Business Management345
GS.DBM/ LSC.S4-M21Logistics and Supply Chain345    

Graduate School
Department of Master Program
Master of Business Management specializing in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

1. Program Education Outcomes (PEOs)

Focuses on business planning, marketing strategy, entrepreneurship initiative, start-up and investment project management in response to socio-economic needs in the Ind 4.0.

2. Program Learning outcomes

Upon graduation of Master of Business Management specializing in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, students will be capable as the following:

A. Knowledge

– PLO1: Having a clear knowledge of new concepts, principles, theories, and practices related to business management processes in national and international contexts.
– PLO2: Detailed understanding of business processes, business management, marketing, logistics and supply chain related to theory, research and practice.
– PLO3: Explaining clearly how new management and entrepreneurial knowledge is developed and applied and the impact of new research on knowledge in their field as well as on professional practice
– PLO4: Understanding new regional and international rules that affect management and entrepreneurship related to the reasons for changes in the implementation of these rules in the future.
B. Cognitive Skills
– PLO5: Able to apply both theoretical and practical knowledge to solve problems related to business management, including problems in the development of the business sector or factors and able to solve the problems and business situations with high creativity.
– PLO6: Ability to make reasonable and reliable judgments in situations related to business management, such as management, monitoring, evaluation and preparation of new business ideas in response to the society.
– PLO7: Establish an information management system within the business unit, a system to monitor and evaluate work efficiency, including the development of new business plans or new start up to meet the needs of the current business market.
– PLO8: a long-term vision in anticipating and predicting the future of business and competition from current data and present ideas to improve business plans.
C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility
– – PLO9: Identifying innovative solutions to complex problems and situations occurring in the context of study and business management
– – PLO10: Taking full responsibility for their own work and cooperating with colleagues and individuals in the national and international context by releasing activities in order to improve the efficiency of the whole team in dealing with all situations and Problems.
– – PLO11: Establishing leadership skills in managing business units with high ethics and responsibility.
– – PLO12: Solving consistently and thoroughly address complex issues related to management and entrepreneurship, as well as be able to make accurate and valid judgments based on basic principles and social values for the issues that arise through existing ethics or regulations.
D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology, and Communication
– PLO13: Extensive use of information technology to observe any issues that arise and present its conclusions and suggestions to relevant stakeholders.
– PLO14: Use statistics and measurements to analyze data from various scientific studies in a business context
– PLO15: Communicate effectively and appropriately with stakeholders in their professional field as well as in the community as a whole through both formal and informal reports and presentations and through informative publications in terms of Education and careers such as thesis or research project report.
– PLO16: Use foreign languages and interpersonal skills in all areas of business communication.

3. Career Opportunities

  • Middle or senior manager in public and private institutions
  • Entrepreneur for a Start-Up
  • National and international consultant on business and investment projects
  • Business development planner, production line management
  • Chairman of the company, senior technicians in public and private institutions
  • Professor or researcher at public and private research institutes.

4. Curriculum of Master of Business Management specializing in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
Operation and Quality Management345GS.EI/
Management and Organization345
Research Methodology345GS.EI /MM.S2-M12Marketing Management345
Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.EI
Quantitative Business Analysis345
Project Management and Evaluation345GS.EI
Business Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
Green Entrepreneurship345GS.EI/
Financial Planning and Management345
Cost Benefit Analysis345GS.EI/
Global Business Management345
Logistics and Supply Chain345    

Graduate School
Department of Master’s Degree
Master of Public Administration

1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Master’s degree in public administration focuses on the administration system used at public and private organisations and the evaluation of public policies to solve social and economic issues. The program also provides the students with knowledge concerning legal frameworks to ensure the sustainability of local administration.

2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Graduating with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, the students will be able to:

PLO1: Understand national and international policies on public administration that enable economic development.
– PLO2: Interpret theoretical frameworks of public policies for national and international practices
– PLO3: Clearly understand the national reform on public adminstration as articulated by the Pentagon Strategy.
– PLO4: Identify problems that impact the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration
PLO5: Comprehensively understand the organizational and human resource management to ensure sustainable development and a dynamic society.
– PL06: Learn the relationship between international laws and public administration and its benefits to institutions and local administration.

B. Cognitive Skills

– PLO7: Critically analyse the social issues that affect public administration systems at the national and subnational institutions based on existing legal frameworks and policy documents
– PLO8: Analysize factors that affects the effectivenesss and efficiency of public administration and public services for national development.
– PLO9: Select the approaches to solve problems in public administration based on regulative frameworks and legal documents.
– PLO10: Critically discuss the management system of public and private sectors in the digital age and able to evaluate the system of public administration in society.

C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility

– PLO11: Establish networks and collaborations with partners to enhance quality of public administration.
– PLO12: Comprehensively investigate social dimentions and organsiational management system that fit national and global develoment
– PLO13: Lead teamwork with independence, transparency and efficiency in delivering public services.
PLO14: Create strategy, budget planning, management and monitoring system for project implementation

D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology, and Communication

– PLO15: Apply statistics and R-Programing for data analysis and research work
– PLO16: Produce reports, dissertations, research articles, opinions, and policy paper for the presentations at local and international conferences.
– PLO17: Develop research projects that can solve social and economic issues and other challenges to the public administration system
– PLO18: Collect and analyze data for empirical studies using ICT tools

E. Psychomotor Skills
– PLO19: Use scientific methods to solve problems and enhance public administration’s effectiveness.
– PLO20: Produce analytical tools to support decision-making, conclusions and solutions for improving the public administration system at institutional and social levels.

3. Career Opportunities

  • Director or chief of administration office in public and private organizations
  • Provincial, municipal and district governor
  • Consultants, analysts, evaluators, and policymakers
  • Parliamentary members, senior officers in public institutions
  • Professors and researchers in public and private higher education institutions

4. Educational Program for Master’s Degree in Public Administration

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
Policy Process and Analysis345GS.PA/ASP.S2-M12Advanced Study in Public Management345
Management and Organization345GS.PA/LCM.S3-M12Leadership and Changing Management345
Research Methodology345GS.PA/TAM.S2-M12Territorial Administrative Management345
Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.PA/AS.S1-M12Applied Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
Human Resources Management in Public Administration345GS.PA/LTW.S4-M22Legal Traditions of the World345
Public Financial Management345GS.PA/QBA.S4-M22Quantitative business Analysis345
Project Management and Evaluation345    

Graduate School
Department of Master’s Degree
Master of Governance and Public Policy

1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Master’s Degree of Governance and Public Policy focuses on public administrations in public and private sectors including the study of public policy planning, centralisation and decentralisation to enhance effective practice and build the capacity of subnational level in order to resolve immediate problem on the ground.

2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Graduating with a master’s degree in governance and public policy, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge
– PLO1: Understand national and international governance and public administration policies that can foster economic growth.
– PLO2: Interpret theories and frameworks of public policies for national and international practices
– PLO3: Clearly understand the national reform on public adminstration as articulated by the Pentagon Strategy.
– PLO4: Identify problems that impact the effectiveness and efficiency of public administration
PLO5: Comprehensively understand the organizational and human resource management to ensure sustainable development and a dynamic society.
– PL06: Learn the relationship between international laws and public administration and its benefits to institutions and local administration.

B. Cognitive Skills

– PLO7: Critically analyse the social issues that affect public administration systems at the national and subnational institutions based on existing legal frameworks and policy documents
– PLO8: Analysize factors that affects the effectivenesss and efficiency of public administration and public services for national development.
– PLO9: Select the approaches to solve problems in public administration based on regulative frameworks and legal documents.
– PLO10: Critically discuss the management system of public and private sectors in the digital age and able to evaluate the system of public administration in society.

C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility

– PLO11: Establish networks and collaborations with partners to enhance the quality of public administration.
– PLO12: Comprehensively investigate social dimentions and organisational management system that fit national and global development
– PLO13: Lead teamwork with independence, transparency, and efficiency in delivering public services.
– PLO14: Create a strategy, budget planning, management and monitoring system for project implementation.

D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology, and Communication
– PLO15: Apply statistics and R-Programing for data analysis and research work
– PLO16: Produce reports, dissertations, research articles, opinions, and policy paper for the presentations at local and international conferences.
– PLO17: Develop research projects that can solve social and economic issues and other challenges to the public administration system
– PLO18: Collect and analyze data for empirical studies using ICT tools

E. Psychomotor Skills
– PLO19: Use scientific methods to solve problems and enhance public administration’s effectiveness.
– PLO20: Produce analytical tools to support decision-making, conclusions and solutions for improving the public administration system at institutional and social levels.

3. Career Opportunities

  • Public administration specialist for public and private sectors
  • Consultants, analyst and evaluators of national and subnational intuitions
  • Professors and researchers on public policies in government and private institutes
  • Senior administrators, chief of administration department at national, subnational and institutional levels.
  • A parliamentary member, or a high-ranking officer in government institutions

4. Program for Master’s Degree in Governance and Public Policy

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
Policy Process and Analysis345GS.GPP/ASP.S2-M12Advanced Study in Public Management345
Management and Organization345GS.GPP/LCM.S3-M12Leadership and Changing Management345
Research Methodology345GS.GPP/TAM.S2-M12Territorial Administrative Management345
Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.GPP/AS.S1-M12Applied Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
Human Resources Management in Public Administration345GS.GPP/PME.S3-M22Project Management and Evaluation345
GS.GPP/LPG.S3-M21Law, Policy and Governance345GS.GPP/DC.S3-M22Development Cities345
GS.GPP/PDD.S3-M21Policy Design and Delivery345    

Graduate School

Department of Master’s Degree

Master of Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL)


1. Program Educational Outcomes (PEOs)

The program is designed to enable teachers and school directors in English teaching professions, developing educational programs and course syllabus, applying modern teaching methods, establishing educational policy and information system for national and international program management to ensure quality, efficiency and inclusiveness,

2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Graduating with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge

  • PLO1. Interpret various methods for teaching and learning English in national and international contexts.
  • PLO2. Understand the problems related to teaching and learning English within multilevel-ability classes
  • PLO3. Understand the influencing factors on students’ behaviors in learning and using English
  • PLO4. Learn how to use digital tools for teaching and learning

B. Cognitive Skills

  • PLO5. Assess classroom practices and propose solutions based on pedagogical procedures
  • PLO7. Analyze behavior’s that impact students’ learning outcomes in the 21st century.
  • PLO8. Investigate the social context of the English-speaking environment.
  • PLO9. Analyze theories and principles that are suitable for teaching English

C. Interpersonal Skill and Responsibility

  • PLO10. Develop individual capacity to identify students’ needs and to prepare mechanisms for smooth communication
  • PLO11. Create creativity for individual and teamwork. ​
  • PLO12. Develop self-confidence to access new information and mechanisms that meet teaching and learning needs.
  • PLO13. Establish communication channels and develop techniques for professional development.
  • PLO14. Consult with English teachers for professional development.

D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology and Communication)

  • PLO15. Apply statistical tools such as SPSS for data computation and analysis.
  • PLO16. Produce reports, research findings and dissertations and deliver presentations to the public
  • PLO17. Utilize information technology for teaching and research
  • PLO18. Collect and analyze data using scientific methods and decision support systems based on scientific and research evidence that fits the teaching and learning context.

E. Psychomotor Skills

  • PLO19. Upgrade the program that meets the 21st-century English education and practicum.
  • PLO20. Plan professional and capacity-building training for English teachers that align with market demand.

4. Career Opportunities

  • Teachers/lecturers of English
  • Policymakers on English language education
  • Educational program planner
  • Business owners/school manager
  • Social and educational researchers
  • National and international consultants
  • Educational specialists in government and non-government organizations

5. Educational program for master’s degree in teaching English as a second language (TESOL)

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHour
GS.TE/ AW.F1-M11Academic Writing for Post Graduate Studies345GS.TE/ AAL.F2-M12Advanced Applied Linguistics345
GS.TE/ SLA.F1-M11Second Language Acquisition345GS.TE/ AAL.F2-M12Advanced Teaching Methodology345
GS.TE/ EP.S3-M11Educational Psychology345GS.TE/ TA.F2-M12Testing and Assessment in ESL345
GS.TE/ ERM.S1-M11Educational Research Method​345GS.TE/ ES.S1-M12Educational Statistics​​345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
GS.TE/ CDD.S3-M21Curriculum Design and Development345GS.TE/ ESP.F4-M22Teaching​ English for Specific Purposes (ESP)345
GS.TE/ TP.F3-M21TESOL Practicum345GS.TE/ PRE.S4-M22Professional and Research Ethics345
GS.TE/ SL.F4-M21Sociolinguistics345    

Graduate School
Department of Master Program
Master of Educational Science specializing in Educational Management

1.Objectives of Master of Educational Science specializing in Educational Management

Focus on Leadership Skills, Institutional Management, Educational Policy Development, Curriculum Development, Educational Leadership in the context of national academic reform.

2. Learning outcome of Master of Educational Science specializing in Educational Management

Upon graduation of a Master of Educational Science specializing in Educational Management, students will be capable as the following:

A. Knowledge
PLO1. Interpreting educational theories, management, and leadership in national and global contexts.
PLO2. Understanding key issues or cases in management and evaluation in educational institutions, including classrooms and teaching
PLO3. Understanding the factors influencing students’ academic achievement in line with 21st-century skills.
PLO4. Understanding the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in the management of educational institutions
PLO5. Understanding the development of lesson plans and curriculum development plans, 21st century skills teaching methodology.
B. Cognitive Skills
PLO6. Identifying problems in educational institutions and solutions based on pedagogical rules, education and leadership ethics.
PLO7. Analyzing the behavior of educational staff, teachers, students in the institution and in the classroom which is the factors influencing teaching and learning outcomes.
PLO8. Deeply understanding of quality and effective management of educational institutions.
PLO9. Critically think of theories that can lead to the development of lesson plans, curriculum development plans and teaching methodology based on job market.

C. Interpersonal Skill and Responsibility
PLO10. Developing the ability to understand the needs and desires of educational staff, teachers and students through good communication.
PLO11. Innovative initiatives supporting group or individual development
PLO12. Self-confidence and ability to identify new information, new strategy to meet the needs of learning and teaching management.
PLO13. Work communication and techniques with professional ethics.
PLO14. Career Development Consultant as Education Manager
D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology and Communication
PLO15. Utilizing statistical calculation methods and analyze with SPSS program on scientific research.
PLO16. job reports, research reports, graduate thesis and make public presentations.
PLO17. Utilizing Information Communication Technology (ICT) in institutional Management and research.
PLO18. Collecting and analyzing data using scientific methods and decisions making based on science and research on social issues in education.

3.Career Opportunities

  • Education consultant, education policy at national and international institutions
  • Education policy makers in public and private institutions
  • Senior Curriculum Development Technician in Public and Private Institutions
  • Researcher and teacher of educational science
  • Managers in various organizations and institutions related to education.

4. Curriculum of Master of Educational Science specializing in Educational Management

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
GS.EDM/RW.S1-M11Research Methodology and Scientific Writing345GS.EDM/
Human Resource Management in Education345
GS.EDM/TIE.S1-M11Trends and Issues in Education345GS.EDM/EPD.S2-M12Education Policy and Development345
GS.EDM/QAE.S2-M11Quality Assurance in Education345GS.EDM/PRE.S2-M12Professional and Research Ethics345
GS.EDM/CDD.S1-M11Curriculum Design and Development345GS.EDM/ES.S1-M12Educational Statistics​​345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
GS.EDM/ELM.S3-M21Educational Leadership and Management345GS.EDM/PES.S4-M22Principles of Education for Sustainable Development345
GS.EDM/ICT.S3-M21ICT in Education345GS.EDM/EP.S4-M22Educational Psychology345
GS.EDM/CEE.S3-M21Community Engagement through Education345    

Graduate School
Department of Master’s Degree
Master of Sustainable Agriculture

1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The educational program provides the students with knowledge of modern agriculture to analyze and resolve the underlying issues in order to promote agricultural value chain and to ensure food security in rapid global economic and environmental changes.

2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Graduating with a master’s degree in sustainable agriculture, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge

PLO1: Understand theories for sustainable agricultural practices and identify their significant differences between modern and traditional farming systems
PLO2. Demonstrate scientific knowledge of agricultural practices, including knowledge of advanced research practices in the field.
PLO3. Interpret various techniques for fieldwork and labs in relation to agriculture.
PLO4. Explain different techniques for sustaining and implementing agricultural productivity to promote socioeconomic and environment that benefit farmers.

B. Cognitive Skills

PLO5: Critically analyse and carefully plan for agricultural practices in the field.
PLO6: identify and select effective solutions for modern agriculture.
PLO7: Consult on methods and techniques with experts and peasants for advancing agricultural practices.
PLO8: Translate sustainable principles for developing agriculture and mitigating issues therein agricultural practices.

C. Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility

PLO9: Communicate and collaborate among colleagues to deliver effective consultations and trainings on farming techniques to villagers.
PLO10: Manage team and organisation with high responsibility, honesty, integrity, justice and transparency
PLO11: Work independently and optimistically and with good ethics
PLO12: Facilitate well with peasants and experts at the fields and other circumstances in communities and workplaces.

D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology, and Communication

PLO13: produce research reports and deliver the presentations of research findings independently
PLO14: use statistics to analyze research findings based on scientific knowledge and draw logical conclusions on agriculture.
PLO15: use information technology for work communication and research work in the field of agriculture
PLO16: publish research findings on agriculture in national and international journals.

E. Psychomotor Skills

PLO17. Train farmers on various techniques for sustainable agriculture and provide them with experiments on the fields.
PLO18. Assess the impact of pests that deteriorate agricultural products and propose a prevention plan
PLO19. Initiate techniques for modern agriculture through research and innovation to scale up the potential of agricultural products linked with tourism, hospitality and industry.

3. Career Opportunities

  • Researchers and Experts in the field of agriculture
  • Business start-up or entrepreneur in agricultural sector
  • Business managers and investment in agricultural sector
  • Professors in public and private higher education institution
  • consultants for national and international organisations on agricultures
  • Senior specialists for the ministry, institutes and civil servant organization

4. Educational program for master’s degree in sustainable agricutlure

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
Concept of Sustainable Agriculture345GS.SA/
Agro-Ecosystems Management345
Research Methodology345GS.SA/
Integrated Pest Management 345
Cropping Systems Management345GS.SA/
Plant Nutrient and Soil Fertility Management345
Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.SA/
Agricultural Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
Seed Production and Quality Management345    
Soilless Cultivation345    
Climate Change Adaption345    

Master’s Degree Program
Food Processing and Innovation

Programme Name (Info): Master of Food Processing and Innovation

The two-year Master’s Degree Program in Food Processing and Innovation aims to improve the research capacity and skills through a collaborative approach that will be implemented to drive the progress of food processing and innovation in the food processing industry. There are two main modes in our curriculum such as mixed and research modes.

Programme structure

1. Curriculum through course works and research (Option 1= Mixed Mode)

Course CodeCourse NamesCredits
A. Core Courses (2 Courses and 6 Credits)
FQM.M1-12Food Quality, Micro and Marco Analysis & Sensory Science3 (2:1)
FST.M2-11Food Science & Technology3 (2:1)
B. Compulsory Courses (5 Courses and 15 Credits)
PES.M2-12Food Quality, Micro and Marco Analysis & Sensory Science3 (2:1)
BSP.A2-11Business Strategy & Policy3 (2:1)
FLR.A2-21Food Safety, Law & Regulation3 (2:1)
FTS.A2-12Food Supply Chain, Traceability & Sustainability3 (2:1)
FPD.M2-21Food Process Design3 (2:1)
C. Elective Courses (1 Subject and 3 Credits)
FP.M4-21Food Packaging3 (2:1)
FSM.A4-12Food Sales & Marketing3 (2:1)
NH.M4-11Nutrition & Health3 (2:1)
EP.A4-11Entrepreneurship3 (2:1)
CB.A4-11Consumer Behaviors3 (2:1)
D. Research Course (3 Courses and 9 Credits)
RI.M3-21Research & Investigative Processes3 (2:1)
FSM.A4-12Internship/Industry-Based Project Work Experience3 (2:1)
CDI.M3-12Creativity, Design Thinking & Innovation3 (2:1)
E. Research Report (12 Credits)
 Research proposal defense3 (0:3)
 Presentation at the conference3 (3:0)
 Research report6(0:6)

2. Curriculum through research mode (Option 2)

Course CodeCourse NamesCredits
A. Compulsory Courses (2 Courses and 6 Credits)
PE.M2-12Processing Effects on Structural & Functional Components of Foods3 (2:1)
FPD.A2-21Food Process Design3 (2:1)
 B. Research Course (3 Courses and 9 Credits)
RI.M3-21Research & Investigative Processes3 (2:1)
CDI.A3-12Creativity, Design Thinking & Innovation3 (2:1)
C. Thesis Writing (33 Credits)
 Research proposal defense3 (0:3)
 Publication in scientific journal6 (0:6)
 Presentation at the conference3 (0:3)
 Workshop3 (0:3)

Note: 1theory credit = 15 hours and 1 practical credit = 30 hours

Graduate School
Department of master’s degree
Master of Sustainable Ecosystem of Management

1. Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The program focuses on the study of natural resource management and decison support system-DSS to reduce negative impact from human and climate changes. The program contributes to short-and long-term management plan for the sustainability of ecosystem.

2. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Graduating with a master’s degree in sustainable ecosystem of management, the students will be able to:

A. Knowledge
PLO1. Describe the fundamental concepts of environment and ecological service management and other components, including biology, physics, chemistry and living things.
PLO2. Understand the concepts and principles for sustainable management in ecology being implemented at local and international contexts to reduce the negative impacts on environment, economy, and society.
PLO3. Understand different theories, procedures and tools used in the study of ecology.
PLO4. Learn about research procedures and methods to manage the challenges.
PLO5. Develop scientific prototypes and models for decision support systems that can resolve social and economic issues.

B. Cognitive Skills
PLO6. Explore the challenges to environmental, economic and social development based on research evidence.
PLO7. Explain natural phenomena in the ecological system using scientific knowledge.
PLO8. Collect and analyze data based on statistical modelling and propose appropriate solutions.

C. Interpersonal Skill and Responsibility
PLO9. Communicate among colleagues with ethics and multicultural understanding.
PLO10. Create a work plan for natural management and conduct independent research work.
PLO11. Develop leadership quality in problem-solving for a sustainable ecosystem and humanity
PLO12. Create initiatives for research and innovation fitting the current development context.
D. Numerical Skills, Information Technology and Communication
PLO13. Use scientific methods for research, identify problems, collect and synthesize documents for empirical studies
PLO14. Apply statistic programming to organize and analyze data and generate key findings
PLO15. Interpret research findings and deliver the presentation on results and prototypes to seek a decision support system and publish articles in scientific journals.
E. Psychomotor Skills
PLO16. Analyse and evaluate the environmental issues and management plan
PLO17. Create tools and models supporting short-and long-term decisions and environmental reservation in the changing globalization.
PLO18. Develop policies for natural resources management and ecosystem in response to climate changes.

3. Career Opportunities

  • Senior specialists in ecosystem management who can collaborate with policymakers to mitigate environmental issues and sustain economic and social growth
  • National and international consultants to solve issues of biodiversity reservation in the Mekong Delta
  • Professors, lecturers and researchers in public and private higher education institutions and business organisations
  • Policymakers or environmentalists in the government and non-government organisations in both national and subnational sectors
  • PhD students in relevance to environment, economy and society.

4. Educational program for Master’s Degree in Sustainable Ecosystem Management

Year I
CodeSemester ICodeSemester II
SubjectTotal CreditHourSubjectTotal CreditsHoue
GS.SEM/CSA.M1-M11Community Ecology and Ecosystem Functioning345GS.SEM/CB.M2-M12Conservation Biology345
GS.SEM/FME.M1-M11Field Methods in Ecology345GS.SEM/GIS.M2-M12GIS & Remote Sensing345
GS.SEM/RM.M3-M11Research Methodology345GS.SEM/EE.M2-M12Ecological Economics345
GS.SEM/SWC.M3-M11Scientific Writing and Communication345GS.SEM/BS.M1-M12Business Statistics345
Year II
CodesSemester ICodesSemester II
GS.SEM/ML.M3-M21Machine Learning345    
GS.SEM/ESR.M1-M21Ecological Status and Reference Condition345    
GS.SEM/CCA.M4-M21Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation345    