Welcome to the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) Office at the National University of Battambang!

  The Internal Quality Assurance Office was established at the National University of Battambang under the Prakas number 3059 on December 2, 2009, by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (MoEYS). From 2009 to 2018, the IQA office was in charge of and run by the Rector by appointing one contracting staff member to operate the function. It was not until the July 2018 that the MoEYS nominated Mr. Ly Vannarath to be the head of the IQA office under the Prakas number 987 on July 2, 2018.

NUBB-IQA Structure (Present):

Philosophy of the NUBB-IQA System

The National University of Battambang (NUBB) commits to improving and sustaining the quality standard to national and international recognition in order to assure the quality of graduates to meet the needs of the labor market, economic growth, poverty reduction, and the sustainable socio-economic development.

Mission of the NUBB-IQA System

  1. To promote the development and implementation of educational programs, teaching methods, learning and assessment methods in the form of outcome-based education.
  2. To reach the AUN-QA regional standard by 2028 and the minimum quality standard by 2026
  3. To improve the capacity and qualifications of the faculty members and lecturers to get “Very Good” status of evaluation results and doctoral qualifications.
  4. To improve students’ learning, student service, and quality learning environments to meet the needs of the local and international labor market.

NUBB-IQA Culture Based on PDCA:

The Japanese call it Kaizen, which means incremental improvements of the on-going processes. It is a philosophy to improve the quality of goods and services of an organization. As we know in general, everything deteriorates with time and use. Continuous improvement is an intervention to stop this and enhance the quality. The process of continuous improvement is known as Deming’s P-D-C-A cycle.
The four original major steps of the cycle are:

  1. P (plan) – gathering of data to identify and define the issue(s)/problem(s) that need improvements and identify ways to achieve them.
  2. D (do) – implementing the plan by using a trial run, a test group, etc.
  3. C (check) – analyzing the results to see if there is good agreement between the original goals and what was actually achieved; make adjustments if necessary.
  4.  A (act) – depending on the results from the check step, acting on the plan on a full scale or conducting further work by beginning with the P (plan) (Temponi, 2005).

NUBB induces the PDCA culture to all constituents including faculties, offices and centers, and is implementing the IQA system with the PDCA culture gradually.

NUBB-IQA Achievements

  •  Institutional Evaluation
    •  Obtained “Full Accreditation” from Accreditation Committee of Cambodia valid for 5 years: 2022-2026.
    • Conducted self-assessment on the institutional capacity development of the NUBB 2 times in 2022 and 2023.
  • Program Assessment

The Self-assessment on the Internal Quality Assurance of the Academic Programs in 2021, 2022 and 2023:

  • The Academic Program Evaluation by the National and International experts from the United States, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand under the Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP) as below:

  • The Teaching Evaluation from Students, Faculty and Lecturers during the Academic Years of 2020-2021, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023:

  • Students’ Satisfaction Assessment

The survey on student satisfaction focused on aspects related to the provision of services by subordinate units, including administrative services and tuition fees, student services including enrollment, health orientation, study counseling, extracurricular programs, library, laboratory, resources, technology, internship, scholarship, canteen, hygienic, safe, and learning environments.

Based on the results of this survey, most of the quality is at a level of 3 points, which is a good level and 4 points, which is a very good level, which is an average of 15.23%. However, there are areas for improvement including INTERNET, canteen, student affair and laboratory services.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Teaching and Learning in the Classroom:
    Conducted monitoring and evaluation of teaching and learning in 21 classrooms, in which teachers received an average score of 4.24 and had the following strengths and areas for improvement as followed:

  • Standardized Test

Three faculties conducted the standardized test namely: Faculty of Agriculture and Food Processing, Faculty of Business Administration and Tourism and Faculty of Art Humanity and Education during the second semester of the second year, in order to measure the level of students’ knowledge and ability in all majors and provide additional intervention.

  • Workshops/Training organized by the IQA Office

1. The Internal Quality Assessment Workshop to Prepare for Assessment of Minimum Standards for Curriculum Accreditation

2. Workshop on the Evaluation of the Academic Programs to Meet Minimum Quality Standard

3. Training on Student Standards of the National University of Battambang

4. Training on reading, writing and research


5. Certificate of Appreciation for Lecturers at the National University of Battambang Who received “Very good” and “Good” status of evaluation results

Governance and implementing structure of IQA at National University of Battambang at the National University of Battambang

The Internal Quality Assurance Team of National University of Battambang has the following composition and role:

– Internal Quality Assurance Commission: Performs governing and policy formulation roles and approves education quality assurance report
– Internal Quality Assurance Working Group: Performs self-assessment of the quality of the academic programs and prepares the quality assurance reports.
– Internal Quality Assurance Office: Perform monitoring and coordinating roles of all internal quality assurance processes and achieve data related to internal quality assurance.

Figure: The Structure of NUBB-IQA Team

The NUBB-IQA System Complies with:

– Pentagonal Strategy-Phase I, the Royal Government of Cambodia of The Seventh Legislature of the National Assembly
– The AUN-QA Regional Standard
– Internal Quality Assurance Standard of the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports
– National Standards for institutional assessment

10-year Strategic Plan and Governance System of the NUBB

Contact the IQA Office:
Mr. Ly Vannarath, Head of IQA Office
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +855 93 708 090
Ms. Thav Rachana, Deputy Head of the IQA Office
E-mail: [email protected]
Tell: +855 10 433 349
