NUBB Credit System

  • 2-year Associate Program: 60 Credits (3 years in total for Full-time students- 4 Years in total for Part-time students)
  • 4-year Undergraduate program: 120 Credits for Social science / 140 Credits for Science (6 years in total for Full-time students- 8 Years in total for Part-time students)
  • 5 Year Undergraduate program: 140 Credits (7 years in total for Full-time students- 10 Years in total for Part-time students
  • 2 Year Graduate Program: 45 Credits (3 years in total for Full-time students- 8 Years in total for Part-time students)
  • 3 Year Graduate Program: 57 Credits (6 years in total for Full-time students- 8 Years in total for Part-time students)
  • 3 Year Doctoral Program: 54 Credits (6 years in total for Full-time students- 8 Years in total for Part-time students)

NUBB Study Pathway

Students from other streams: Technical and Vocational Certificate level 3, Technical/Specialized Advanced/Associate certificate, Technical/Specialized Bachelor certificate, and Teacher professional certificate 12+4 can be enrolled in NUBB’s Academic mainstream.

Non-formal education streams

Entrance level

Eligibility Requirements

Technical and Vocational Certificate Level 3

(Equivalent to Upper secondary education certificate)


– Enrolled only in the same majors and under the same disciplines

– Holding Technical and Vocational Certificate level 3

– Pass entrance exam

– Admitted in the First Semester of the First Year

Technical/Specialized Advanced/Associate certificate (Equivalent to completion of Foundation year)

– Enrolled only in the Same majors and under the same disciplines

– Admitted in the First Semester of the Second Year by fulfilling oriented courses of the First year

Technical/Specialized Bachelor certificate (Equivalent to Bachelor degree)


– Enrolled only in the Same majors and under the same disciplines

– Holding Technical/Specialized Bachelor certificate

– Pass entrance exam

– Admitted in the First Semester of the First Year

Teacher professional certificate 12+4 (Equivalent to Bachelor’s degree)

 – Enrolled only in an education science major or education discipline

– Holding Teacher professional certificate 12+4

– Pass entrance exam

– Admitted in the First Semester of the First Year

Student exchange

In case Partner HEIs initiate the student exchange program with NUBB, the procedure is conducted as follows:

  • Step 1: The International and Public Relations office makes an announcement to the public and students in any degree level and major in line with the exchange program
  • Step 2: Students fill in the selection application form at the International and Public Relations office by attaching the exchange program application form, five 4×6 Photos, five 3×4 Photos, and a copied passport.
  • Step 3: After releasing evaluation results by the selection commission, the International and Public Relations office shall announce students who pass and fail, and the successful students must arrange a VISA, and insurance and send the result to receiving HEI to issue official acceptance or invitation letter and nomination letter from NUBB.
  • Step 4: After successfully selecting, the student must choose courses equivalent to their respective academic program by receiving counseling from the respective faculty, and the students need not apply for suspension. In case there are no relevant courses or programs available, the student should apply for suspension for no more than 2 semesters for full-time students or 4 semesters for part-time ones.
  • Step 5: Students must complete the Learning Agreement approved by the receiving HEI and NUBB, and make 4 copies of which the original one is kept in the international and public relation office, one copy is sent to the respective faculty, other one is sent to Academic Affairs Office, other one is sent Administration and Finance office and the last copy is sent to Center of Research and Development in case the program related to research.