On the morning of August 30, 2024 H.E. Sok Khorn, Rector of National University of Battambang (NUBB), received a courtesy call by Ms. Sara Feuerstein, Cultural Affairs Officer of the US Embassy in Cambodia. On that occasion H.E. Rector mentioned the achievements and potential of NUBB as a result of the deep reforms. NUBB has a strong commitment in ensuring the quality of education to meet the international standard. To achieve this goal, NUBB would like to request the US Embassy to provide necessary supports by sending volunteers to work in NUBB and help build connections between NUBB and universities and companies of the US so that students of NUBB could have more chances to get scholarships to study with highly reputable universities or get well-paid jobs with prestigous companies of the US.

In response, Ms. Sara Feuerstein stated that she will try her best to provide necessary supports to help NUBB reach its goal. More importantly, she will help strengthen the existing cooperation between the US Embassy and NUBB and help build connections between NUBB and universities or companies of the US.


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