In the afternoon of 3rd June 2022, H.E. SOK Khorn, Rector of the National University of Battambang (NUBB), handed over the water quality research equipment to Graduate School’s research team (ECOHEALTH). This equipment is supported by the Laboratory of Evolution and Biological Diversity (EDB-UMR5174) of the University Toulouse 3 in France. The equipment is consisted of 2 Multi-parameter probes, 2 Vacuum filtration systems and other lab. consumables necessary for assessing physico-chemical properties of water, which is basic element to study and manage the water quality in the river. This equipment will be used both for teaching and learning and research activities in the graduate programs of NUBB. Meanwhile, H.E. Rector addressed his profound thanks to EDB Lab., our French colleagues Prof. Dr. LEK Sovan, Dr. Loïc TUDESQUE, for the equipment and their permanent technical supports to NUBB research team.

Ecosystem Health Laboratory (ECOHEALTH) of NUBB provide some services such as training program, research and water quality assessment in rivers and lakes for sustainable management of the natural resources. Contact: Mr. Chrea Socheat, Tel: +855 95 626 663, E-mail:[email protected]


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