On the morning of March 16th, 2022 H.E. SOK Khorn, Rector of NUBB, led the delegate from NUBB to join the 4th Joint Coordination Committee Meeting (JCC) of the Strengthening Engineering Education and Research for Industrial Development in Cambodia (LBE) presided over by H.E. YUOK Ngoy, Secretary of State of the MoEYS. About 10 month from the previous JCC meeting under the technical support from ITC and Japanese Universities (Tokyo Institute of Technology and Kyushu University) NUBB education engineering has been improved and modernized significantly. As a result, the engineering education at NUBB receive a great attention and confidence from students, parents and industrial sectors in northwestern Cambodia. Some of outstanding results were:
• Capacity building of staffs toward laboratory based education (LBE)• Education system modernization (LMS-Moodle) and university management system
• Cooperation with special economic zone (SEZ) to match the training program and labor market
• Networking with industrial sector to commercialize research products
As a result, a significant increase of students in faculty of science and technology (x3) in the recent academic year indicating the quality and relevant of education program to labor market and industrial development.
NUBB thanks to JICA-LBE project, ITC, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kyushu University, development projects (HEIP, Erasmus+), all colleagues and students who actively participate in the project implementation to product these outstanding results.