On Thursday October 21, 2021 afternoon, His Excellency Sok Khorn Rector of the National University of Battambang has led a meeting to allow IQA office to present the result and the guideline of teaching and learning evaluation, and students’ performance for semester 1 in academic year 2020-2021. In the meeting, His Excellency Sok Khorn gave importance remarks on the quality of teaching and learning at the university. In addition, His Excellency also gave strong support with essential recommendations to all the faculties and supporting offices to pay more attention and focus on the quality of teaching and learning by continuing to work collaboratively with strong connection among offices and departments to ensure the quality of education for all levels in the university.
The meeting to allow IQA office to present the result and the guideline of teaching and learning evaluation, and students’ performance for semester
Posted on November 8, 2021