On Thursday 17 June, 2021, Dr. Sam Rany, Mr. Tieng Morin, Mr. Nhean Voithna, and other faculty staff who involved in Reco-ASIA Erasmus+ Project attended a training seminar on “The Finalization of the University Organizational Model: Recognition Procedures and Experiences in Europe.”
The seminar is co-organized by the University of L’Aquila, Free International University of Social Studies (Guido Carli), and University of Tartu; the main aim of this seminar is to reinforce the competencies on the internationalization of higher education worldwide and recognized issues within Asian countries.
It is noted that RecoASIA is Regional Cooperation in the field of recognition among Asian Countries. The RecoASIA project aims at favoring and increasing the quality of vertical and horizontal mobility within the Asian and European higher education systems by increasing the recognition of qualifications within the Asian and European Region. The RecoASIA project consortium consists of 20 partners and 4 associated partners. The partners of the consortium are from Italy, Cambodia, Estonia, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam. For further information, please go to: http://www.recoasia.eu/