- Project Tittle: Strengthening Quality Assurance In Cambodian Higher Education
- Acronym: SICA
- Project Ref. No: 586436-EPP-1-2017-1-KH-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
- Project Aims: SICA proposes a sound scheme of activities and actions to contribute to Cambodian Higher Education Vision 2030 through the improvement of internal Quality Assurance in Cambodian HEIs. Capacity building for professional development; exchange of good practices EU-Cambodia; set-up of internal QA units; and embedding quality assurance processes are some of the priority lines of the project.
- website: www.sica-project.eu/
- Project Period: 2017- 2020
- Funded by: Erasmus+ Programme of European Union
- Project Coordinator: Rany SAM, PhD / Vice Rector
- Contact: [email protected] / +855 12 646 685
- Project Status: In progress
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