May be an image of text that says 'Terms Reference Project the project AGREEMENT FOR HIGHER EDUCAITON IMPROVMENET PROJECT" background The project comprised componcnts. Agriculture aims enhance quality teaching learning capacity peer Management- Learningin STEM targeted fields of relevance minister oducation. implementation produce partncrship sto crucially important collaboration, annual tuition should endorsed financial sustainability, institutional capacity credit This National University Sydney, These curriculum and rescarch could potentially goal new signed ils partnership agreements with Iniversity of cooperale NUBB improve Agroccology, staff capacity building with projects secking partnership project mmimum requirements shown below: staff support their project activities curriculum nput work project project and M&E logistic facilitation semester'
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អាសយដ្ឋាន​អ៊ីមែល​របស់​អ្នក​នឹង​មិន​ត្រូវ​ផ្សាយ​ទេ។ វាល​ដែល​ត្រូវ​ការ​ត្រូវ​បាន​គូស *